Innovative HR Solutions, LLC

Innovative HR Solutions, LLC

telephone: (760) 770-2033
email: click here

Figure Example: Overall Engagement Comparison

The Overall Engagement Comparison figure compares your company's Overall Engagement values against Innovative HR Solutions' Client Base values as shown in the figure below. Overall Engagement values are the arithmetic mean of all Question-level values in your Company's survey or all companies in the Client Base.

  • % Engaged = Percent of Agree or Strongly Agree (aka Favorable) Responses
  • % Neutral = Percent of Neutral Responses
  • % Unengaged = Percent of Disagree or Strongly Disagree (aka Unfavorable) Responses
The standard Overall Engagement Comparison figure is generated for all participants and the Client Base represents all companies in the database; however, the survey participants can be filtered by any demographic category as shown in the example below.

The Overall Engagement Comparison figure is available for the Comprehensive and Check-Up surveys only.